1589 S Waterman Avenue
San Bernardino, California 92408
(909) 884-4757
License #366425270
License #366425270
Your Senior Assisted Living Facility
More than just a residence, Abria Del Cielo is a place to call home. With excellent facilities, generous amenities and a host of well-planned activities help Abria Del Cielo residents feel satisfied they’ve chosen Abria Del Cielo as their Assisted Living Facility
License #366425270
(909) 884-4757

Abria Del Cielo offers affordable assisted living for individuals who are SSP/SSI recipients. We are also Assisted Living Waiver Program (ALWP) Provider.
Abria Del Cielo is an ideal place to live where you can find compassionate care from our team members. We focus on the wellness and safety of our residents at the same time preserving their dignity and independence. Our place has become a home to many people who wants friends and family nearby, but also want to maintain their privacy in a familiar and supportive environment.
Our team members are committed to provide a quality of life that brings meaning and self respect to our residents and comfort to their families.